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Instructor Dashboard

My Courses

The “My Courses” section in the dashboard shows the course list and their status. It also showcases other details like the duration of the course and how many students are enrolled in a course. The charge of the course is also shown here. If you want to make any edits you can do so from here. You can even delete the course right from this dashboard.


From this Announcements menu, you can create, view, manage, or delete any of your announcements. This is an automatically enabled feature and is very useful for you as it lets you easily announce important information so that your students are all notified in one go.


The withdrawal section deals with all the withdrawal related information. Check your current balance, pending withdrawals, completed withdrawals and rejected withdrawals from this part of your dashboard.

Quiz Attempts

Quiz Attempts dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of students’ quiz results and performance. Easily track students’ progress and identify areas for improvement with detailed performance analysis and reports.

Google Meet

Google Meet integration lets you conduct Google Meet meetings with students. You can set up and start meetings for your courses. You also have the feature to send Google Meeting invitations to enrolled students.

Accordion Item

Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.

Accordion Item

Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.

The Assignments dashboard for managing and evaluating student assignments. It displays the assignment name, Total Marks, Total submitted, and other Details.

Zoom Integration

The Zoom Dashboard is where you will be able to access all your Zoom Meetings and other related functionalities. The first tab lists all Active Meetings and the second consists of all Expired Meetings. 

To find a specific meeting, you can either search or filter them by course and date. Moreover, you can even start your meeting right here by clicking on the Start Meeting button.

Also, clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon (︙) will give you the option to edit or delete it as well.


Here, you can create new Certificates by clicking on the Create Certificate button which will take you to the Certificate Builder. After you have published your Certificate, it will appear under the All Certificates section. From this section, you can also edit, unpublish, or delete any Certificate of your choice if you need to.



Contains Quick Stats, the Earnings Graph, a list of the Most Popular Courses as well as a list of Recent Reviews.


See a list of all your Courses, Total Learners, Earnings, and more.


The earning section of your dashboard gives a complete detailed overview of how the courses created are performing. All your sales records are preserved in this area of the dashboard.


The statements section of the dashboard shows all the earnings and commission statements. It included the status of the transaction, the amount earned, the commission allocated, and the maintenance fee that was deducted.


See a list of all your Students and related information here.


From this tab, you can easily Export the reports on your Sales and Students with a single click of a button.



If you want to edit your profile, the settings section of the dashboard deals with that part. Edit your bio, and phone number, add a cover photo, and update your profile picture from here.


To change your password, go to the ‘Reset Password’ section and enter a new password.


In this section, you can manage your withdrawal settings. Choose your preferred payment method and enter the required account information.

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